Saturday, September 25

Tonkinese Cat Care

Funny Tonkinese Cat
Temperamentally Tonkinese are near perfect. They have got the best personality attributes from their oriental ancestors. They are both cuddling lap cats and are also very active and intelligent individuals who love to play and have fun with all family members.
Pictures of Tonkinese Cat

A combination of Siamese elegance and Burmese muscularity, the Tonkinese is a medium sized cat. It is sleek and strong and weighs in the range of eight to ten pounds for healthy adults. Body shape is that of the classical Siamese of old with a modified triangular head and almond shaped eyes that range in color from blue to green and golden.

Sunday, September 19

How to Care for Deaf Cats

By understanding and responding the unique needs of your deaf cat, the two of you will develop a closer relationship and better communication skills.

How to Care for Deaf Cats.

The sensitive pet owner can learn from watching how his or her pet reacts and adapts to its surroundings. It takes time, persistence, and patience for both owner and pet to know each other and learn to "speak" each other's language.

All cats need basic care, but deaf cats need their owner to be more aware that their cat is at risk especially if they go outside, or live with other people, and animals. Knowing how to properly care for a deaf cat is important to its happiness and wellbeing.

Family members must be aware of the cats hearing loss and treat it fairly. It is easy to alarm a sleeping deaf cat if it is approached too suddenly. Care should be taken not to startle a deaf cat, this is easy to do if we understand that cats have other senses.

If we stomp our feet when approaching a resting cat it will feel the vibrations and as such will not be alarmed. Some people might think this is silly, but stressed cats tend to urinate in the home so it is better not to stress out a cat.

Living with a deaf pet is a challenging yet very rewarding experience. Beau has added variety, love and much song to our lives. He is happy, loving and very good at letting me know what he needs now.

How to Care For a Senior Cat

How to Care For a Senior Cat

At what age does your cat become senior? Many veterinarians consider a cat to be senior at around ten years of age. But this is a very loose figure. There are plenty of At what age does your cat become senior? Many veterinarians consider a cat to be senior at around ten years of age. But this is a very loose figure. There are plenty of At what age does your cat become senior? Many veterinarians consider a cat to be senior at around ten years of age. But this is a very loose figure. There are plenty of At what age does your cat become senior? Many veterinarians consider a cat to be senior at around ten years of age. But this is a very loose figure. There are plenty of well cared for ten year old, or older, felines who are as fit as the proverbial fiddle.

What Does Senior Cat Care Entail?

Cats age much like humans in health problems. This should be kept in mind as your cat ages so you can give them the proper care they need. As your cat ages his day to day needs will also change. It will become more important than ever to ensure he has the proper diet and exercise. Here are a few suggestions on how to care for a senior cat.

Senior Cat Care and Behavioral Change.

More than any time in your cat’s life you need to pay special attention to his diet and weight. As your cat ages his metabolism slows down and he does not require high calorie meals to give him the energy that he once had. By keeping his weight down you are helping his joints that does not have excess weight on them. As older cats become more sedentary, they often tend to gain weight if continued on their normal diet. Excess weight can be contributory to a number of conditions, including arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension.

Give massages
You know how good a massage feels especially if your muscles and joints are aching. Why not do the same thing for your cat. He will benefit in the same way and it will help keep him limber and supple. Massages will help the blood flow in his body and give a feeling of relaxation.

How to Care for a Ragamuffin

The Ragamuffin is a relatively recent cat breed that originated through periodic breeding of Ragdolls with Himalayans and Persians. A large cat, the Ragamuffin weighs in the range of ten to twenty pounds, with males typically being heavier than females.

How to Care for a Ragamuffin

Ragamuffin cat

Ragamuffins have long hair with an extremely soft texture. Despite the fact that these cats are longhairs, the silkiness of their hair makes them easy to care for. This breed is not prone to developing matted hair and one of these cats only needs to be groomed about once a week to keep his coat looking beautiful and tangle free.

The Ragamuffin is a long-haired domestic cat. Ragamuffins are fairly large cats - females weigh between 10 to 15 pounds (4.54 to 6.80 kg), and males weigh between 15 to 20 pounds (6.80 to 9.07 kg). Ragamuffins are notable for their sweet, friendly personalities and plush, rabbit-like fur. They are adoptable as early as four months of age, but do not reach full maturity until around four years of age. The Ragamuffin is an expensive breed and costs can range from $900 - $1200 per kitten.