Sunday, September 19

How to Care For a Senior Cat

How to Care For a Senior Cat

At what age does your cat become senior? Many veterinarians consider a cat to be senior at around ten years of age. But this is a very loose figure. There are plenty of At what age does your cat become senior? Many veterinarians consider a cat to be senior at around ten years of age. But this is a very loose figure. There are plenty of At what age does your cat become senior? Many veterinarians consider a cat to be senior at around ten years of age. But this is a very loose figure. There are plenty of At what age does your cat become senior? Many veterinarians consider a cat to be senior at around ten years of age. But this is a very loose figure. There are plenty of well cared for ten year old, or older, felines who are as fit as the proverbial fiddle.

What Does Senior Cat Care Entail?

Cats age much like humans in health problems. This should be kept in mind as your cat ages so you can give them the proper care they need. As your cat ages his day to day needs will also change. It will become more important than ever to ensure he has the proper diet and exercise. Here are a few suggestions on how to care for a senior cat.

Senior Cat Care and Behavioral Change.

More than any time in your cat’s life you need to pay special attention to his diet and weight. As your cat ages his metabolism slows down and he does not require high calorie meals to give him the energy that he once had. By keeping his weight down you are helping his joints that does not have excess weight on them. As older cats become more sedentary, they often tend to gain weight if continued on their normal diet. Excess weight can be contributory to a number of conditions, including arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension.

Give massages
You know how good a massage feels especially if your muscles and joints are aching. Why not do the same thing for your cat. He will benefit in the same way and it will help keep him limber and supple. Massages will help the blood flow in his body and give a feeling of relaxation.